- contoured for pressure reduction and pelvic stability
- soft integral-skin foam for comfort and durability
- available with open or bridged front
- available sizes: 18″Wx16″D, 18″Wx19″D

- provides 2” of fore/aft adjustment so the seat can be aligned with the pelvis
- allows centering of the aperture (opening) around the users’ ITs
- seat locks in place for transfers
- removes easily for cleaning
- optional spacers for anterior or posterior seat angle adjustment [Z491]

- molded, flexible vinyl upholstery – suitable for infection control environments
- provides flip-up angle adjustable armrests
- 18″ back height
- locking armrest upgrade available [Z710]

- removable for transfers and cleaning
- swing in and out easily
- flip-up footplate
- adjust for leg length without tools
- available in regular length 16″-20½” and extended length 18″-22½”
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