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ADP is a program operated by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care that provides support and funding for mobility equipment to Ontario residents who have long-term physical disabilities.
The ADP contributes to covering the costs of items such as manual and power wheelchairs, rollators and walkers, scooters, and specialized seating.
ADP cover 75% of the cost for most equipment and supplies. For these items, we directly bill ADP and you pay 25% when you buy the item.
In some cases, you will receive a series of payments throughout the year to help cover the cost of supplies.
The ADP does not cover repair costs. You must pay those costs yourself. Care and maintenance of the equipment is your responsibility.
If you need to replace your equipment, ADP may contribute to the cost if your condition changes or your equipment is no longer under warranty and cannot be repaired at a reasonable cost.
To qualify, you must:
You do not qualify for the ADP if you:
You will need an authorized occupational or therapist. We can arrange one for you or you can call LHIN(Local Health Integration Network) and request an occupational therapist. Call us at +1 (905) 451-7743
LHIN Contact Details:-
Click HERE to locate an office near you
An Occupational Therapist will book an appointment with you to come at your residence to check your eligibility. Refer “Mobility Specialties” as you preferred vendor. They can either reach us by calling +1 (905) 451-7743 or email us at help@mobilityspecialties.com
We will book free in-home equipment assessment with you and your therapist. We will trial the equipment with you to see which equipment works best for you.
We will finalize the equipment after carefully considering your needs. We will then order your final equipment. *Power Mobility Equipment excepted.
At this point, you will be paying your 25% portion and finalize the sale. We will be delivering the equipment to your residence. We will also be collecting the paperwork from your Therapist for submission to the ADP.
We will submit the paperwork to the ADP at no cost to you. We will notify you if your equipment has been approved.
*Only Selected Models are authorized. Client & ADP portion will vary according to added features.
$82 – $150
$190 – $246
*Only Selected Models are authorized. Client & ADP portion will vary according to added features.
$650 – $950
$1800 – $2500
*Only Selected Models are authorized. Client & ADP portion will vary according to added features.
$900 – $1500
$3000 – $4000
*Only Selected Models are authorized. Client & ADP portion will vary according to added features.
$600 – $1500
*Only Selected Models are authorized. Client & ADP portion will vary according to added features.
$2500 – $4500
$5500 – $8000
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Selected wheeled walkers, forearm crutches, manual wheelchairs, power wheelchairs, pediatric standing frames, and specialized positioning supports for wheelchairs (e.g. seat cushions and back supports). ADP contributes only to the cost of the most basic equipment required for ongoing daily mobility as defined by ADP for funding purposes. Funding assistance is not available to purchase equipment required for occasional use, as an alternate means of transportation, used only at school or work, for use in an exercise program, or for social and recreational purposes.
Any permanent resident of Ontario who has a valid Health Card issued in their name, and has a long-term physical disability requiring the use of a mobility device for six months or longer. ADP does not pay for equipment available under Workplace Safety & Insurance Board or to Group “A” Veterans for their pensioned conditions.
Your Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist, who must be registered with ADP as an authorizer, will assess your functional mobility status and recommend the appropriate device to best meet your needs. Eligibility for ADP funding assistance is based on established policies. If you are determined eligible the authorizer will complete the application form attached and it will be submitted to ADP for review. If more information is required to support your application for funding assistance the authorizer should submit this information to the Program in writing.
You are required to sign the application form. If you are unable to sign, someone who has the legal authority to act on your behalf may do so. This may be your spouse, parent, child, power of attorney, or public trustee.
Maybe. This will depend on the authorizer and their employer. ADP does not set or pay for authorizer assessment fees.
If you need a mobility device but your authorizer determines that you are not eligible for ADP, your insurance company may pay for it. If you do not have insurance, you may want to consider buying reconditioned equipment. Agencies, such as the March of Dimes, Easter Seals Society, Red Cross, and community service groups may help. Many LongTerm Care Homes have wheelchairs they lend to their residents.
If ADP determines that you are not eligible you should contact your authorizer for further details. If more information regarding your eligibility is available your authorizer will provide this to the Program directly. If you remain ineligible, you can work with your authorizer to determine if you should appeal the Program’s decision. In order to appeal, you must write to the Program via mail, e-mail, or fax. The appeal must contain the following information:
Once the Program has reached a decision, the Program will notify you in writing of the results.
It should take no more than eight weeks from receipt of a properly completed form for ADP to review your application. If ADP is unable to approve funding you will be notified directly by mail. If funding is approved, ADP will notify your vendor and authorizer. They will then contact you directly to proceed with equipment delivery and follow-up.
ADP will only pay the amount approved after the date of approval. If you ask your vendor to order your equipment before ADP approves funding, you will be responsible for paying the full amount to the vendor if ADP cannot approve your application.
You will choose your vendor at the time of assessment. We advise you to shop around among ADP Registered Vendors as services may vary
All eligible individuals who apply for ADP funding assistance for a power wheelchair that includes power dynamic tilt and/or reclines must obtain their equipment from the Central Equipment Pool (CEP) for High Technology Wheelchairs. Requests for the addition of power dynamic tilt and/or recline to an existing power wheelchair must also go through CEP. ADP has an agreement with CEP that requires the equipment pool to provide high technology wheelchairs to ADP clients. CEP provides ADP clients throughout Ontario with high technology wheelchairs at a discounted price, quality recycled equipment, and a rebate on the client’s costs once the equipment is returned to the pool. All routine maintenance and repair costs are provided free of charge to CEP clients. All components of the system, including positioning devices, must go through CEP.
If you have any problems using your new equipment, please contact your authorizer and vendor and/or CEP as applicable.
ADP does not pay for repairs and maintenance (CEP excepted). You own the equipment and are responsible for taking care of it.
ADP pays 75 percent of the ADP approved price. You pay 25 percent.
If you are receiving social assistance benefits under Ontario Works (OW), Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), or Assistance to Children with Severe Disabilities (ACSD), ADP will pay 100 percent of the ADP approved price.
Not necessarily. You must pay the vendor directly for any non-ADP funding options you may choose to purchase for your equipment. Be sure to ask your vendor how much of the total cost you will be responsible for.
ADP does not pay for batteries for power wheelchairs.
ADP may contribute to the cost of a new mobility device if:
The amount of the contribution will vary depending on the ADP funding you have previously received. ADP does not pay for replacement if the original equipment is lost, stolen, or damaged due to misuse. We encourage you to buy insurance to cover these situations.
If you have any question regarding ADP, You can reach Westin Healthcare Inc by call, text message, email or Fax
Contact Details:
Westin Healthcare Inc
Call/Text/Fax: +1 (905) 451-7743
Email: help@westinhealthcare.com
Address: Unit 7-15 Fisherman Drive, Brampton, ON, L7A1B7
If you wish to contact ADP, please utilize the following contact information provided below:
Assistive Devices Program
7th Floor, 5700 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M2M 4K5